Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Cast and Crew

This is a picture from my upcoming website, this is our cast...

 And this is our crew.


As Producer I took it upon myself to organize everyone's travel arrangements. The crew generally met at college and since we all heavily rely on our free oyster cards we traveled mainly by bus.

Filming Part 3.

Filming today went as planned we were able to get some vital shots working as a team we were able to split up into two groups, we found some long corridors and a lift within David's halls at Kingston University... Very handy indeed.

Filming Part 2.

As a previous script showed there was just to much talking within the trailer, so the David and Hannah have been giving us feedback on hoe they would spontaneously act a particular scene (the argument). We are currently trying to look into this.


This is our storyboard, its our brief plan of how we look to transition from one shot to the next and it illustrates our progression of horror throughout the trailer.

Filming Part 1.

Filming did not go as planned today and therefore we are a little behind, which is unfortunate. The weather restricted use from filming outside however we were able to film scenes inside with Hannah and David. The only downfall at the moment is we still have no actress to for fill Laura's character.


This is our initial script, it is only a rough idea. I'm not entirely sure how much of this we are going to use as it seems like a lot of talking for a horror trailer, but I guess we will have to see. 

[Shot 2/3]

Dad: This is our new home

[Shot 6]

Rebecca: I miss you

[Shot 8]

Dad: Rebecca honey?

[Shot 10]

Dad: How you doing kiddo? Do you like it here?

Rebecca: Lexi said she doesn't like this house

Dad: Who’s Lexi?

Rebecca: A new friend

Dad: Oh by the way, someone important is coming round for dinner (pause) tonight

[Shot 11]

Rebecca: It’s not safe for her to be here.

[Shot 12]

Laura: Rebecca, I’m not trying to replace your mother

[Shot 14]

Rebecca: (Singing a nursery rhyme & giggling)

[Shot 15]

Dad: Honey, what are you doing?

Rebecca: Tackle the devil

[Shot 16]

Rebecca: DAD!

[Shot 17] 

Laura: (Screams & cries)

[Shot 17-20] 

Dad: Stop whatever it is you’re doing Rebecca

Rebecca: I didn't do anything dad, it was Lexi.(pause).. She’s angry