This is our initial script, it is only a rough idea. I'm not entirely sure how much of this we are going to use as it seems like a lot of talking for a horror trailer, but I guess we will have to see.
[Shot 2/3]
Dad: This is our new home
[Shot 6]
Rebecca: I miss you
[Shot 8]
Dad: Rebecca honey?
[Shot 10]
Dad: How you doing kiddo? Do you like it here?
Lexi said she doesn't like this house
Who’s Lexi?
A new friend
Dad: Oh by the way, someone important is coming round for dinner (pause) tonight
[Shot 11]
Rebecca: It’s not safe for her to be here.
[Shot 12]
Laura: Rebecca, I’m not trying to replace your
[Shot 14]
Rebecca: (Singing a nursery rhyme & giggling)
[Shot 15]
Dad: Honey, what are you doing?
Tackle the devil
[Shot 16]
Rebecca: DAD!
[Shot 17]
Laura: (Screams & cries)
[Shot 17-20]
Dad: Stop whatever it is you’re doing Rebecca
Rebecca: I didn't do anything dad, it was Lexi.(pause).. She’s angry