Monday, 5 November 2012

Films and Trailers Part 3.

Zombieland Trailer (2009)

The Zombieland trailer highlights the main aspects of the movie, the concept, narrative and what it involves, another spoiler type trailer. It immediately heightens the audience to the genre of the film and emphasises the humour with the sound score. The red band trailer shows elements of horror, violence and scenes of a sexual nature. 

  • Orchestral music builds whilst an establishing mid shot of the two main characters one nerdy and the other a southerner with a cowboy hat- in a supermarket with a banjo.
  • It stops as comedic contrapuntal diegetic banjo song is played it the cuts to an overweight scary looking zombie man running towards them, and eyeline shot back to the southerner as he  races towards and goes to smash the zombie across the face with the banjo sets the scene for the narrative alone.
  • The music builds as it quickly cuts to an establishing shot of the world from space with the text "Welcome To Zombieland".
  • Non-diegetic voice over narration from the main character as various locations are shown descending into turmoil- car crashes, blood splatters and people running from zombies.
  • Various locations in America are used suggest a nationwide effect adding realism. It also mimics the narrative of constantly having to move and be unsettled due to the circumstances. 
  • The use of slow motion close ups  and mid-shots, paired with non-diegetic contrapuntal soundtrack emphasises the humour in the scenes. For example the mid-shot of a half naked female zombie stripper with money in her underwear, running after a tubby Chinese businessman in slow motion still clutching dollar bills in his hand
  • The country and western type music reinforces the comedy in the scenes and pauses allowing for epic diegetic comic relief moment to be highlighted, which is a convention of this hybrid genre.
  • High angle shot of brutal murder of zombies however with the different soundtrack makes it humorous. The music also changes when the atmosphere shifts. 
  • A contrast of bright Orange titles are used against a black screen to make important information stand out.


  • As this is similar to many spoiler trailers, it tells us  everything we need to know about it.
  • It highlights the hybrid combination of comedy and horror by using the conventions from both to conform to the expectations of the narrative. 

Zombieland Film 

The Zombieland trailer revealed fast paced scenes varying form all of the film. The  trailer also gave  background and all you need to know of the narrative of the  film. However leaving the audience wanting  to see for themselves how it ends. 
  • The mise-en-scene focuses on realism in America, patriotic as we firstly see the flag, everyone , person or zombie in everyday clothing to add to the potential of it could happen any day in any place. 
  • The long shots of locations vary from the White House to street corners suggesting a widespread effect on the population and although there are many people around it is an isolating situation
  • Establishing long shots of long winding roads connoting life on the road during this circumstances, keeping moving to survive. 
  • Close ups of mid-shots of chaos and mayhem descending highlights the horror element to the film however the soundtrack subverts the atmosphere. 

  •  Close ups of the main character- Columbus- nerd and vulnerable looking compared to the arrogance from the Texas cowboy makes the juxtaposition of these two characters and unlikely pair.
  • The contrast between the two connotes isolation but also subtly portrays the genre of the film- combination of two very different conventions to make one hybrid genre. 
  • Setting- in a supermarket makes it seem realistic once more yet their composition in the scene humorous this is added to using the soundtrack to illustrate the comic relief. 

  • The use of voice over explains from the beginning to set the scene. The audience  instantly build a connection to this main character and sympathise and abide by what he is telling us- the voice of authority.
  • The text inserts- the rules are an extension of his personality and reflection of his character.
  • The rules are shown to be lifelike and real through their 3D and movement which mimics their purpose- such as the word "seat belts" click together and "cardio" beats like a heart.

  • The animated text inserts also become a part of the scenery and blend to illustrate that they have become a way of life. It connotes that the rules have a mind of their own as they actively carry out their purpose. 
  • Violence in places of sanctuary and solitude such as bathrooms or toilets and also in unexpected "normal" situations which have become unusual and nervy due to the circumstances. 
  • Over the shoulder shots denote zombies move differently to humans denoting the change conform to the stereotype throughout the film. 

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