Hush Hush.
By Jenade, Nathan, Hannah and Rachelle
A widower, Alexander and hisdaughter Rebecca recently relocated to the outskirts of suburbia for a new start. After the death of his wife, Rebecca starts acting out, attacking hisnew love interest and blames her imaginary friend Lexi. He begins to questionher new solace in her imaginary friend. Alexander uncovers that Lexi is not so imaginary after all.
Key Characters
- Alexander Johnson
- Rebecca Johnson
- Lexi
- Laura Charles
Key Locations
- Their new house
- Their field
- balcony
- Their park
- Hallways
- Bedrooms
- Kitchen
The Story
Act 1.
Alexander and his daughter relocated to an isolated house on the outskirts of town. Recently widowed they both believed this would be the new they had both hoped for. Her mother Kathleen and Alexander had their own marital problems but Kathleen always made sure that Rebecca was never in the middle of their issues to maintain her happy childhood. At 10 years old, Rebecca started to notice some of her father’s habits. On one occasion she head them fighting and her father slaps her mum, other times she heard her mother crying at night when her father was out drinking. This was the only time she had witnessed such distress in the house. Times passes and everything seems to be perfect until one night Rebecca wakes up to find her mum’s body at the bottom of the staircase with blood all over her clothes. She calls for her dad but no answer so she cradled her mother while awaiting her father’s return. When he finally did they called for the police and ambulance together. Alexander a change of scenery would be good for Rebecca without the constant reminder of her mum passing away.
Act 2.
Alexander has constant trouble sleeping and believes he can see his wife’s ghost sometimes. He starts dating a woman on his street Laura, who is repeatedly attacked by Rebecca, but because it was never in Alexander’s presence he figured it was just jealously and that Rebecca thought she was replacing her mother. Rebecca starts blaming things on her imaginary friend Lexi but her father’s suspects she is frightened to admit to it. He starts to get worried that she might be traumatised from the death of her mother. Alexander goes to check on his daughter in her bedroom one night to find her talking to herself about how she going to “tackle the devil” her voice sounded different, demonic even yet it was familiar but he couldn’t recognise it. Her eyes possessed, wide open compared to her naturally lazy eyes.
Alexanderinvites Laura over for dinner, and whilst watching TV and Alexander ispreparing dinner for the both of them. Laura comments on how she would haveliked to meet Rebecca’s mum as she’s heard a lot of nice things about her.Rebecca jumps out of her seat and pounces on Laura, scratching her face,pulling her hair and biting her all over her arms. Alexander had to physically pealRebecca off Laura, locks her in the kitchen and calls the ambulance. He doesn’ttell the paramedics that it’s Rebecca who has done this, as she doesn’t recallanything that’s happened when Alexander asks her, she also claims it wasn’t herbut Lexi who did it. Alexander is worried about his daughter and this made hisrelationship with Laura difficult, as she didn’t want to come between Rebecca. Shewas also scared of her. Nonetheless Alexander takes Rebecca with him to visit Laurain hospital. She is covered in bandages. Rebecca breaks and apologises for whathappened but still says it wasn’t her who did it
Act 3.
Alexandersends his daughter in the kitchen to get something to drink; she takes a longtime in the kitchen so he goes to check on her, only to find her holding a bigmachete with blood dripping all over it with Laura limbs scattered everywhereon the floor. Speaking in her unrecognisable voice again saying she’s going tokill him for what he’s done. They get into a physical fight and Rebecca slashesher father’s arm. When he starts to bleed nonstop, Rebecca suddenly gets offher dad and sits with a blank facial expression on her face. Alexander callsthe police and they come round the house. It is found that it was actually theghost of Rebecca’s mum Kathleen that was the imaginary friend. As he nowremembers that was his wife’s voice he heard that night in Rebecca’s room.Kathleen’s ghost had taken over Rebecca’s body and soul in order to get revengeshe believed her husband deserved for murdering her that night. He came backhome drunk and demanded for Kathleen to run him a bath and when she didn’t doit immediately he strangled her and threw her down the stairs and went back tothe pub. He confesses to everything to the police and apologises Rebecca forall that he had put her through. He is arrested and Rebecca is taken into care.