Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Trailers Part 2.

Now this trailer differentiating itself from Inception conveys a whole new atmosphere. It illustrates more of the first point. It shows the audience everything they need to know without leaving many gaps to fill in yet leaves us the audience intrigued to see it anyways. 

Crash Trailer (2004)

  • After the green screen, with relevant certificate information, a Lionsgate symbol which appears live a starry night and fades as such while a male voice over begins to set the scene.
  • We are instantly exposed to an establishing shot of LA at night while serene orchestral non-diegetic music begins to lull the audience- equilibrium. 
  • The duration of cuts fade into one another, getting the sky scrapers from every angle making the night seem longer- false sense of security. 
  • A close up of the character's voice over narrating, sitting in his car, dazed looking suggests that he has a lot on his mind, a use of pathetic fallacy- rain on his window- instantly creating empathy.
  • A series of closes ups of other characters from different walks to life, all fading into one another, illustrates the variety of people that not only live in the city but encounter each other unknowingly everyday. I like how the calm voice over mirrors the action. 
  • A change in music, deeper pause then chimes as a black out with white text which has distant head lights to the right hand of the them "we are searching for answers" text, connotes a new tone - emphasising dis-equilibrium.  
  • More series of shots, distorting the audience not quite linking together, black out text insert "we are moving forward" again with the head lights themes, the music deepens and pause with just chimes.
  • The duration of scenes become longer but the cuts quicken as we are given an insight into different lives an stories in the film. The scenes contrast from interior and exterior shots. 
  • Close ups of facial expressions and emotional scenes- illustrating the conventions of a drama. 
  • I like how some shots are from various angles such as a low angle centre frame shots to connote dominance contrast from high angle, bird's eye or as if God eye view shots to highlight vulnerability
  • Black out, text, "we are falling apart" as the tension in the music build, the action, length of shots and the amount of them increase-  close ups of heightened tempers, flames, sexual harassment, police lights, gun violence.
  • A stand of action enigma scene, the music stops excepted for a bass undertone followed by a longer black out, diegetic sounds of two gun shot fired.
  • A change in music at crescendos, to emotive singing, guitar, accompanied by "when your moving at the speed of life" text insert (same continuous theme) suggest a change in atmosphere.
  • Close ups of emotion scenes, crying, close encounters, fires, hugs, explosions emphasises the characters turmoils and we the audience are exposed to them. 
  • Many scenes include cars; driving, burning or crashing, highlights the nature of the film. I like the underlying reminders throughout. 
  • Each shot fades into one another suggesting a connection and intertwining and overlapping of stories.
  • Black out-text insert- "we are bound to collide with each other"the most important text once again highlighted. This message has a hidden meaning as it foreshadows the film in a literal way also.
  • Towards the end more black out, text inserts of well established director. This is followed by more heart wrenching close ups and action enigma scenes- more so representing a new equilibrium to some extent. 
  • A longer black out, as the name of the film appears-same text theme- off centre, lower case letters referencing this is a emotion, inspiring film rather than massive production, emphasised by the music.
  • We then see one more scene of an officer and a black male driving at nighttime, he say "people man, people" to the officer before the screen blacks out once more as a star studded cast list appears, same theme and off centred, this time as snow falls behind it. the names slowly fade as film information/ credits replace it before blacking out again. 

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